Psychologists | Social Workers
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Who we are:
Lindsey Blanchard | Mental Health Coordinator, School Social Worker |
Kristin Belter | School Social Worker |
Megan Ricci | School Psychologist |
Steve Michaud | School Psychologist |
What do we do:
We provide counseling services for grades 7-12 at Northwestern Regional #7. We work individually with students struggling with emotional, behavioral, and social challenges. We are professionally trained to identify troubled students and create strategies to help them manage anger, stress, anxiety, and foster self-esteem and optimism. Strategies may include activities such as individual and group counseling, special instruction, and role-model mentoring. We also work with students to help them accept and embrace diverse backgrounds and cultures.
Part of our role is to work with a student's family to recognize issues that may negatively impact social and academic success. We partner with students’ families to identify services in the community and juvenile justice programs that their children may qualify for and benefit from. They also work with families to improve parenting skills and create stronger ties between home and school.
We collaborate with teachers to achieve thriving classroom atmospheres for students. Together, we identify challenged students and set individualized plans to help them overcome their personal obstacles. We monitor student's performance and adapt goals and plans based on accomplishments or shortfalls. Teaming together makes it possible to remedy students' behavioral and academic deficits by engaging them with personally tailored, social, and academic tools to achieve classroom success.