In accordance with NWR7's acceptable use policy, graduating senior Gmail accounts are closed at the end of the academic year. Actual account closures typically occur at the end of June. This allows ample time for students to export any data they wish to retain.
1. Download data folders. Very simple and effective. Simply right click on the folder(s) you wish to keep. Select download, and the folders will begin to download in zip format. Once done, open your download folder on your local device. Right click the folder and extract to the default folder or desired location. Make a mental note of that location. Login to your personal Gmail account. In Drive, click on New, Folder upload. Locate the unzipped data folders and simply select them to upload. The data will now move to your personal Gmail drive account, and you will have ownership of the data. Done.
2. Google Takeout. Google Takeout is a Google app which enables the bulk download of all of your data at once. Please see these external reference links for instruction:
What is Google Takeout? Business Insider
Network printers which are Chromebook capable have a yellow IP address tag on the front. If there is no yellow tag, the printer may not be Chromebook compatible.
To start the configuration, sign into your Chromebook.
Place cursor over the bottom right system tray area (Time, US, wifi radio image) and click. A window will pop up.
At the top, click the gear icon.
In the left menu, click Device, then in the right column, scroll down, and click Advanced.
Scroll down and see the Print and Scan section. Click on Printers.
At the bottom of this page, you will see Add printer. To the right, click the light blue image with a + sign.
Provide a name: "ABC Printer" (anything you wish to call it)
Enter address: As defined by the yellow tag
Click Add.
You now are now connected to the printer.