Social Studies
Department Chair:
Department Faculty:
Mr. Tom Hicks
860.379.8525 x3257
Mr. William Sullivan
Mr. Frank Rodenberg
Mr. Brendan Fritch
Mr. Andrew Campbell
Mrs. Jessica Hinman
Ms. Emily Stross
The Social Studies Department at Northwestern Regional accepts the challenge of preparing young people for citizenship in the 21st century. To this end, our goals are to provide every student the opportunity to:
Enhance skills in reading, listening, speaking, writing and research
- Acquire a comprehensive understanding of the human experience both past and present, and realize the importance of the role of individual decision-making in influencing the future
- Obtain an in-depth understanding of how our society is governed and the critical role of the individual citizen in this democratic system
- Develop an awareness of the complexity of problems which face the contemporary world and a willingness to become part of the solution to these problems
- Attain an appreciation and acceptance of democratic values which emphasize civic responsibility, participation, and toleration of the diverse peoples of the world
To meet these goals, the members of the Social Studies Department have created a challenging curriculum which seeks always to actively engage students in their own learning.
Foundations of the Western World | Asian Studies |
Western Civilization | Law and Justice |
Honors Western Civilization | Contemporary Issues |
Modern World History | A.P. U.S. History |
Honors World History | A.P. American Government and Politics |
Civics C | A.P. Modern Europe |
Honors Civics | A.P. Comparative Politics |
U.S. History C | Economics |
Honors U.S. History | Local History Projects |
U.S. History G | Close Up Washington |
Psychology |