Special Education

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Department Head:

Department Faculty:


Mr. Steven Carvalho
860.379.8525 x2505

Ms. Karen Stiland
Mrs. Debra Griffin
Ms. Megan Ficke
Ms. Beth Brady
Mr. Donald Reese
Ms. Sharon Roberts

The Northwestern Special Education Department provides a continuum of services for students identified with learning, social, or emotional challenges. This continuum includes self-contained classes for students in need of behavioral intervention as well as classes for students who need specialized and or remedial instruction. Team-taught classes are provided for students who need behavior and/or academic support in the regular education setting.

Northwestern’s Special Education Department includes eight certified Special Education teachers and approximately fourteen full time Educational Assistants. In addition, Northwestern has two full-time psychologists and a full-time social worker.

The role of the psychologists and social worker at Northwestern is multidimensional. Psychologists and social workers run ongoing groups, do individual counseling, crisis intervention and are an integral part of the Planning and Placement Team (PPT) process and are responsible for individual cognitive, behavioral and academic testing. In addition, psychologists and social workers are available to students and parents on an ongoing and as-needed basis.

The State Department of Education has recently revised the Guidelines for Identifying children with Learning Disabilities. Please see below for more information on SRBI at Northwestern Regional #7and for information on the new LD guidelines.

SRBI and LD Eligibility
Information and links for Children and Youth Mental Health Services located in the greater Torrington area